How do you discipline kids who have experienced trauma? We provide 5 tips and then discuss 5 challenging parenting situations. Our expert is Karen Doyle Buckwalter, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Registered Play Therapist and Supervisor, and co-author of "Raising the Challenging Child".

This course covers the following learning objectives:

  • List 5 tips for addressing challenging parent situations.
  • List 3 parenting techniques to help respond to challenging behavior.
  • Understand how and why to set realistic expectations of the adopted child.

Outline for Practical Tips for Disciplining Children Who Have Experienced Trauma.pdf

*This course includes a 1-hour conversational audio lesson, a 10-question quiz, and a certificate of completion with the successful completion of the quiz at 80%. 

Your course will remain active for 180 days from purchase date.

  • $20.00

    Practical Tips for Disciplining Children Who Have Experienced Trauma

    Purchase Course

This course aligns with the following regulatory requirements.

Hague Treaty on Intercountry Adoption*

 96.38 (b)(3)

 96.38 (b)(4)

 96.38 (b)(8)

 96.48 (b)(4)

 96.48 (b)(5)

 96.48 (c)

*Important Information for agencies on Hague Training Requirements

This course is included in the following state packages.

See links for how it aligns with each state's regulatory requirements.

Illinois International Adoption and Special Needs Foster Care Adoption
Important Information for agencies on Illinois Adoption Requirements.
Nebraska Additional Training for Children Over 12 Months or Medically Fragile
Important Information for agencies on Nebraska Adoption Requirements.

For information specific to your state, go to the Child Welfare Information Gateway State Search site to find information on each state's requirements on background checks, consent to adoption, home study requirements, post-adoption contact agreements, adoption expense regulations, use of advertising, and who may adopt or place a child for adoption.