In this course we will cover body image and weight for today's teens. The instructor will be Dr. Charlotte Markey, a professor of psychology and chair of the Health Sciences Department at Rutgers University, and a research scientist who has published over 100 scholarly articles and chapters about mental health issues. She has been conducting research on eating behavior and body image for over 25 years. Dr. Markey is the author of The Body Image Book for Girls, Being You: The Body Image Book for Boys, and most recently, Adultish: The Body Image Book for Life.

This course covers the following learning objectives:

  • Identify 3 risk factors for teens that may develop an eating disorder.
  • Explain how different genders struggle with body image.
  • List 3 protective factors parents can add to a child's life that they see struggling with body image.
  • Understand the impact of social media and mainstream media on body image and identity development.

Outline for Navigating Conversations About Body Image With Your Teen.pdf

*This course includes a 1-hour conversational audio lesson, a 10-question quiz, and a certificate of completion with the successful completion of the quiz at 80%. 

Your course will remain active for 180 days from purchase date.

This FREE course is made possible by the support of Jockey Being Family®