Terms of Service

Foster, Adoptive, and Kinship Family Support Group Toolkit Service

We are so pleased you are subscribing to the Creating a Family Foster, Adoptive, and Kinship Family Support Group Toolkit Subscription Service. The service includes the following: 

  • Initial Facilitator Training for up to 3 facilitators per group. This training includes: best practices on setting up and facilitating parent support groups in-person and online and utilizing the Creating a Family Parent Support Group Toolkits. We will also cover tips for increasing engagement with both in-person and online groups, an evaluation of the major online conferencing services available with tip sheet on how to use each when sharing video, importance of confidentiality and how to encourage this within the group, and ideas for handling potentially problematic issues that are common in parent support groups.  
  • Quarterly live webinars for one year from purchase for facilitators to share and learn and continually improve facilitation skills. 
  • Access to the Creating a Family library of Parent Support Group Toolkits for one year from purchase for the toolkits you have purchased.  
  • Evaluation data from participants at your group meetings collected after each meeting. 

This subscription is valid for one year from date of purchase for use by one agency/organization for up to two groups. “Group” is defined as parents working with the same agency or members of the same parent organization. By way of example: 

  • One agency facilitating at the same time a group for foster parents and a second group for kinship parents. 
  • A foster parent association facilitating a group for parents of children under the age of 10 and a separate group for parents of children 10+ years old.

Copyright © 2021 by Creating a Family. All rights reserved. 

All parts of this service are protected by copyright, and permission must be obtained from Creating a Family prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. [email protected]