Hague Training Requirements

Neither the Intercountry Adoption Accreditation and Maintenance Entity (IAAME) nor the US Department of State [DOS] gives accreditation for courses used for compliance with the training requirements in the Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption [Hague Treaty] and the implementing regulations; therefore, Creating a Family does not warrant or guarantee that IAAME or DOS will accept our courses as evidence of compliance with these requirements. We have done our best to create courses that we believe will prepare parents and staff for intercountry adoption as required by the Hague treaty and the implementing legislation. For your convenience only, we have included the regulations that we believe our courses can be used in achieving at least partial compliance with the Treaty; however, adoption service providers must decide for themselves. Our inclusion of these regulations implies only that we believe that the course addresses some of the topics included in the specified regulatory section and does not imply that the course can be used in complete fulfillment of that regulation. 

Before recommending a course for training requirements under the Hague Treaty or implementing legislation, Adoption Service Providers should take each course that they recommend and decide for themselves whether they agree with the information included in the course, whether it is aligned with the Hague Treaty and the implementing regulations listed, and whether it is in full or partial compliance with that regulatory section.