This course is designed for adoption social workers and mental health providers.

In this course we will talk about how adoption and fostering can impact kids already in the family. The instructor is Dr. Jana Hunsley, an Assistant Professor of Instruction at the University of Texas at Dallas, trauma therapist, TBRI® Practitioner, and founder of Project 1025.

Participants will be able to:

  • List impacts of adoption on children already in the family.
  • Explain 2 differences on how fostering impacts existing children vs. how adoption impacts existing kids.
  • List 3 beneficial impacts for children already in the family.
  • List 3 things parents can do to lessen the negative impacts and increase the beneficial impacts of adoption.

Outline for The Impact of Adoption & Fostering on Kids Already in the Family.pdf

*Your course will remain active for 180 days from purchase date.

1.0 Hour CE Credit

Program Format: On Demand

Course Categories: Social Work

Accreditations and Approvals:

This program is Approved by the National Association of Social Workers (Approval # 886829466-8033) for 1 continuing educationcontact hours.

Expiration Date: 1/31/2026

Please contact the Education Director for technical assistance or disability accommodations.

Grievance Policy